Privacy Policy

AGAVANZA is deeply committed to complying with Danish, Spanish and European regulations for the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set forth, as well as the implementation of the security measures set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation. (GPDR) (EU) 2016/679.

In accordance with these regulations, we inform that the use of our website may require that certain personal data be provided through registration or contact forms, or by sending emails, and that these will be processed by AGAVANZA, responsible for the treatment and with the following data:

  • Commercial name:
  • Corporate Name: Marcos Pérez Lama
  • VAT NUMBER: ES30953470R
  • Activity: Commerce and electronic services
  • eMail: [email protected]
  • Domain Name:

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Personal data is any information related to a person; i.e. name, email, address, telephone. Additionally, when a user visits our website, certain information is automatically stored for technical reasons, such as the IP address assigned by your internet access provider.

AGAVANZA, as the Data Controller, has the duty to inform the users of its website about the collection of personal data that can be carried out, either by sending an email or by completing the forms included in the website.

Only the precise data will be obtained to be able to perform the contracted service, or to be able to respond adequately to the request for information made by the user. The data collected is identifying and corresponds to a reasonable minimum to be able to carry out the activity carried out. In no case will a different use be made of the data than the purpose for which it was collected.

Contact forms / emails:

Purpose: Answer your request for information made through our contact form(s).

Legitimation: The legal basis that legitimizes this treatment is the consent of the User, which can be revoked at any time.

Transfer of data: Personal data will be processed through servers managed by HOSTINGER, which will be considered the Data Processor.

Registration forms / customer registration:


Manage your User registration on our website.
Manage purchases made.
Provide information about the processing and status of purchases.
Historical record of purchases made on our website.
Sending communications via email and / or telephone, in order to inform the User of possible incidents, errors, problems and / or order status.
Legitimation: The legal basis that legitimizes this treatment is the execution of a contract.

Transfer of data:  will not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, except in legally established cases or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a Treatment Manager. Thus, the User accepts that some of the personal data collected is provided to these Treatment Managers (payment platforms, agency, intermediaries, etc.), when necessary for the effective performance of a contracted service or purchased product. The User also accepts that some of the services may be, totally or partially, subcontracted to other people or companies, who will be considered Treatment Managers, with whom the corresponding confidentiality agreement has been agreed, or adhered to its policies of privacy, established in their respective web pages. The User may refuse the transfer of your data to the Treatment Managers, by written request, by any of the previously mentioned means.

In addition, in those cases where it is necessary, the data of Clients may be transferred to certain organizations, in compliance with a legal obligation: Danish Tax Agency, banking entities, Labor Inspection, etc.

 Security measures
Users of this website are informed that  has adopted the technical, organizational and security measures available to us to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of data, and thus guarantee confidentiality. , integrity and quality of the information contained therein, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on data protection. The personal data that is collected in the forms are subject to treatment, only, by the AGAVANZA staff or the designated Treatment Managers.

The Website of “” also has SSL encryption, which allows the User to securely send their personal data through the contact forms or registration on the website.

 Data accuracy
The User declares that all the information provided by him is true and correct and undertakes to keep it updated. The User will be responsible for the veracity of their data and will be solely responsible for any conflicts or litigation that may result from their falsity. It is important that, in order for us to keep personal data up-to-date, the User informs AGAVANZA whenever there has been any change in them.

Exercise of User Rights
The LOPD and GDD and the RGPD grant interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the treatment of their personal data. To do this, the User must contact us, providing documentation proving their identity (ID or passport), by email to [email protected], or by written communication to the address that appears in our Legal Notice, or by filling out the forms that you will find at the end of this page. Said communication must reflect the following information: name and surname of the User, the request for request, address and supporting data.

The exercise of rights must be carried out by the User himself. However, they may be executed by a person authorized as the legal representative of the User, providing the documentation that accredits said representation.

The User may request the exercise of the following rights:

Right to request access to personal data, which is the right to obtain information on whether your own personal data is being processed, the purpose of the treatment, if any, being carried out, as well as the information available on the origin of said data and the communications made or planned for them.
Right to request its rectification, in case the personal data is incorrect or inaccurate, or suppression of the data that turns out to be inadequate or excessive.
Right to request the limitation of their treatment, in which case only the data strictly necessary for the exercise or defense of claims will be kept by AGAVANZA.
Right to oppose the treatment: it refers to the right of the interested party to not carry out the treatment of their personal data or to cease it in the cases in which their consent for the treatment is not necessary, that is, files of commercial prospecting or that have the purpose of making decisions related to the interested party and based solely on the automated processing of their data, except that for legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims they must continue to be processed.
Right to data portability: in case you want your data to be processed by another company, AGAVANZA will facilitate the portability of your data in an exportable format.
In the event that consent has been granted for a specific purpose, the User has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

We promise to execute all these rights within the maximum legal term established of 10 business days. 

Data retention
The personal data of the Users who use the contact form or who send us an email requesting information will be processed for the time strictly necessary to attend to the information request, or until the consent granted is revoked.

The Client’s personal data will be processed until the contractual relationship ends. The period of conservation of personal data will be the minimum necessary, and can be kept until:

4 years: Law on Infringements and Sanctions in the Social Order (affiliation obligations, registrations, cancellations, contributions, payment of wages …); Arts. 66 et seq. General Tax Law (accounting books …)
5 years: Art. 1964 Civil Code (personal actions without special term)
6 years: Art. 30 Commercial Code (accounting books, invoices …)
10 years: Art. 25 Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law.
No deadline: disaggregated and anonymised data.
For its part, the data of Users who register in the bulletin or newsletter will be kept indefinitely, until the consent granted is revoked.

In the case of data processing of candidates (C.V.), AGAVANZA may keep its resume stored for a maximum of two years to incorporate it into future calls, unless the candidate states otherwise.

 Social networks
AGAVANZA has a profile on some of the main social networks on the Internet (Facebook and Instagram), recognizing itself in all cases responsible for the treatment of the data of its followers, fans, subscribers, commentators and other user profiles (hereinafter, followers) published by AGAVANZA.

The purpose of the data processing by AGAVANZA, when the law does not prohibit it, will be to inform its followers about its activities and offers, by any means that the social network allows, as well as to provide personalized service to the User. The legal basis that legitimizes this treatment will be the consent of the interested party, which can be revoked at any time.

In no case will AGAVANZA extract data from social networks, unless the User’s consent is expressly and punctually obtained (for example, to carry out a contest).

The information provided by the User will, in any case, be considered confidential, without it being used for purposes other than those described here. AGAVANZA undertakes not to disclose or disclose information about the claims of the User, the reasons for the advice requested or the duration of their relationship with it.

The privacy and data protection policy may vary depending on the changes in regulations and jurisprudence that are produced, being the responsibility of the owner of the data the reading of the updated document, in order to know their rights and obligations in each moment.

Through this form you can exercise your GDPR rights
Responsable: (ownership of Agavanza I/S). Purpose: management of the exercise of rights by the user. Legitimation: your consent. Rights: access, rectification, limitation, opposition, portability, withdraw consent, according to the GDPR. More information: You have detailed information in our Privacy Policy.